Jack Lagoe

This is an interview performed on June 6, 2010.

Part 1 >>>    Father Jack LaGoe talks of the Father Jack Foundation in Muskegon, MI. The foundation's mission is to respond quickly to those within the community with unmet needs.

Part 2 >>>    If I can, I will.

Part 3 >>>    contains Father Jack's account of a blessing that was also a curse.

Part 4 >>>    Father Jack speaks of the song "Hello in There" by John Prine. He also relates it to his ministry in prison.

Part 5 >>>    The biblical story of the blind man that asks Jesus for the ability to see. It is a lesson for the apostles.

Part 6 >>>    Jack shares stories about the disturbing treatment of immigrant workers.

Part 7 >>>    Larry asks Father Jack if he has always been a rebel. Jack defines his motivation to battle injustices.

Part 8 >>>    Father Jack discusses the greatest game, baseball.

Part 9 >>>    In the final part of the interview, Jack Lagoe speaks of his love for fly fishing.



The Rev. Jack LaGoe: Walking the walk >>>