> How do I make my body stiff when tacking a tackle?

How do I make my body stiff when tacking a tackle?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
Im a pretty tall guy and I can never manage to tack a tackle from anyone, even people way shorter! So, how do I make myself stiff to tacke a tackle?

Height makes no difference when tackling or being tackled. You could try to lean into the tackle to absorb it or lean in to bump the tackler off. If like Corey Jane (who has one of the best fends in the game) you can move away from the tackler and extend your arm to the upper body of the tackler and use his momentum to keep you away from his incoming tackle. Or you could use the “Maori side step” and just put your head down and run into the tackler as hard as you can, this method doesn't always break a tackle but, it gives the other team something to think about every time you’ve got the ball!

Being stiff in the tackle isn't the answer. You need to be supple.

A good woman can stiffen you.

Grow muscle