> Is it ok to have an energy drink before a Rugby match?

Is it ok to have an energy drink before a Rugby match?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I'm thinking about playing Rugby again. I live in Melbourne and matches can be all over. I don't drive so I'll be taking public transport. Is it ok if I have an energy drink like V or Monster in the morning to wake me up to catch the bus, will it affect me later on in a match when I go to play? Should I just try to wake up naturally?I'm thinking about playing Rugby again. I live in Melbourne and matches can be all over. I don't drive so I'll be taking public transport. Is it ok if I have an energy drink like V or Monster in the morning to wake me up to catch the bus, will it affect me later on in a match when I go to play? Should I just try to wake up naturally?

It is better to have a good nights rest the night before. Energy drinks have caffeine in that will work out after a few minutes. a good meal to have the night before is pasta and to drink lots of water. dehydration can drain your energy levels.

have a lucozade or powarade rather than monster or v

No! You will maintain stamina for a while however once your sugar levels drop you will hit the wall!

Energy drinks have caffeine (generally a lot) which will dehydrate you. Not recommended for athletes.