> Are the studs on the Puma Evospeed 1.2 sg legal for rugby?

Are the studs on the Puma Evospeed 1.2 sg legal for rugby?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I'm debating on buying the new Puma Evospeed 1.2s in the sg version but I'm not sure if the metal studs will be legal to play rugby in

Not sure, I would ask your coach if I were you. I thought there was some kind of restriction on the amount of studs allowed in rugby, but then again I have no idea. print out a picture if you can, take it to your coach (make sure you get the details on what the studs are made from and make sure you can see the stud layout in the pictures.) I play with these ones and they are fine. T90....(I particularly liked them because they share the same name as the Russian tank....and it just so happens im a human tank on the rugby field...haha...just kidding)

Aluminium studs are legal as long as the ends are rounded rather than flat with an edge.