> Is rugby a good sport?

Is rugby a good sport?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
Hi there :) What is good about rugby? Do you play it? Anything would be appreciated ! thanks!

YES!!! Rugby is an awesome sport, especially if you have an aggressive personality like me.

Millions of people around the world love and play it. I personally know doctors, engineers, teachers and lawyers who continue to play it on an amateur basis well into middle age. The game requires a combination of fitness, power and intelligence which few other sports can duplicate. It is the best game in the world.

I play rugby league and absolutely love it ! It's a very gritty contact sport and makes me feel like a man. I love the creativity behind it and the physicality and emotion that goes into a game. It's also heaps fun. Best sport in the world p.s. I also study in university

If you don't mind getting offensive on all fours, yeah. If no, then not. Not sure why but Rugby players are extremely aggressive and the kind of people who prefer to punch your brains out of your head first and talk later.. Also, most Rugby players are dumb meatheads with no brain whatsoever..(No offense guys, there can always be exceptions!)