> Rugby half back at the scrum I keep getting the ball knocked out of my hands by the other half back?

Rugby half back at the scrum I keep getting the ball knocked out of my hands by the other half back?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
In rugby union at the scrum I'm a half back but the other teams half back puts pressure on me and often tackles me or knocks the ball out of my hands (when I pick it up at the back), how do I prevent this?In rugby union at the scrum I'm a half back but the other teams half back puts pressure on me and often tackles me or knocks the ball out of my hands (when I pick it up at the back), how do I prevent this?

Your breakaway should be giving you protection here but it is up to you to kep possession.

You've got to be quicker - simple as.

You hand him off like a man

Try dive passing. Its much quicker and since you are in the air while passing it makes it difficult to tackle you. Takes some time to practise it.

Try and shield the ball when you go for it , if he does tackle don't offload, keep close to chest and hit the deck

get a grip.