> I wanna play Rugby but I weigh 112 pounds I'm very skinny and short should I join the rugby team?

I wanna play Rugby but I weigh 112 pounds I'm very skinny and short should I join the rugby team?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
or should I do something else?

I would advise Bulking up first...but i would also advise Taking rugby up as soon as possible. if you tried to join rugby playing in the mens division, they really dont care about you. they wont spend time to teach you the basics, the only reason i got by was because even though i had never played rugby, i watched it like a fanatic for 5 years prior. I would build up the body first, that way you give yourself a head start on the other kids. if you want to get bigger its quite simple. 1) Eat 2) exercise every 2 days 3) sleep

If that's what you want to do go for it I'm only 5'2 and 120 pounds and play there were people that weigh less then 100 pounds on my team and I play in high school so girls are 14-18

Rugby is a game for ALL shapes and sizes. Play and enjoy yourself.

You should probably gain some weight first lol.

honestly no one gives a flying **** what you do.