> Ladies: Sebastien Chabal - sexy or scary?

Ladies: Sebastien Chabal - sexy or scary?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
Would you go there? I would http://uk.images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A7x9Qbzwv_xS72AASU5LBQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTB2anJwa3IxBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2lyZAR2dGlkA1NNRVVLMjdfODg-?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-903&va=sebastien+chabalWould you go there? I would

He's the Obelix of rugby

He was a great poster advertisement for the 07RWC held in France with his wild man looks which helped promote the tournament in that country. I don't know if hes sexy or scary but its a reflection of professional rugby era on the lack of footy personalities in world rugby. I can only think of Lomu in the late 90s and Chabal in the 2000's as being true rugby celebrities.

I'd say impressive. Can you see the difference?

Depends who is on the receiving End eh!

He's kind of like a sexy caveman. I wouldn't say no to some hot rough nookie.