> Should you play rugby with braces?

Should you play rugby with braces?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
full contact, i may get bashed in the mouth is it recommended

Isn't this a question best put to your orthodontist? That said, I understand that you can play but you will need to obtain a customized gum shield, again from your orthodontist.

only with a mouth guard, in my high school hockey team, there was a kid that got a hit with a stick in the mouth, the braces went into the skin, shredded the inside of her mouth . It was horrible, i can only imagine what would happen in a full contact sport. Don't take the risk

they make mouth gards that cower yout top and bottom teeth so that your braces don't cut your gums I think they are made for hockey but theey have them so just get one then u are good to play no worries

I use this:

You can get special gum sheilds form the dentist for braces!

There are gum shields for braces

Well, there's nothing stopping you. But I'd wear a mouth guard because if you get hit in the mouth, you'll definitely bleed.

Wear a gum shield. Having braces makes no difference about getting bashed in the mouth.

You can get a full mouth guard. I only know of one person that did that and she had no problem.

You can play rugby using a mouth guard which should protect your teeth. Otherwise I would not.

you could, but you might regret it should you get hit in the mouth...