> What is nothern barbain?

What is nothern barbain?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
Perhaps you are seeking "northern barbarians?" If so, there are at least three possible contexts. What would make sense for this section is Barbarians as a rugby football club. In South Africa during the last English tour, two Barbarians (i.e., all-star selects) teams, the Northern and the Southern Barbarians played the English touring team in non-test games. In Chinese history the "northern barbarians" were the Mongols. In Greco-Roman history, the northern barbarians were everybody who was not Greek (or Roman) and lived to the north. These would have been the Germanic, Frankish, Celtic, Slavic, Magyar, and Finno-Ugric people outside the home territories of the "civilized" southerners. There is a widespread tradition that Evil comes from the North - see Hadrian's' Wall and also the Great Wall of China, or even George Martin's currently popular fantasy novels. Mark L.