> Can i play just cause 2 and saints row 3 with these requirements?

Can i play just cause 2 and saints row 3 with these requirements?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
Os windows 7 graphics my pc show total memory 782 mb ram 2 gb dual core 2.99 ghz intel integeted graphics

What is it with you clowns? If you want an answer, posing this in the right section may help. Or is that too difficut!

. . . . .Is it that hard to post a question in the correct section? . . . . . .

I wouldn't get my hopes up. With Intel integrated graphics, all that system was designed for was probably with business in mind. I mean Word documents, web browsing and watching movies. But not for real-time rendering of 3D graphics. You could always attempt to play those two games on the lowest setting however. (I've played both, and they were equally as graphics intensive, but I have a proper gaming rig which can handle both on maximum settings) There's nothing from stopping you buying a better graphics card, but then you would need to consider: Do I need a better power supply for the card. What is my price range. Can I, or do I know anyone who can install graphics cards. (Where being allowed to make changes to the system comes first.)