> Full Back or Back Row in rugby?

Full Back or Back Row in rugby?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
Which position am I must suited to? In Rugby League ideally but Union responses are also fine. I'm 16, 5 foot 8, and weigh around 10.5 stone. I'm going to start playing in the summer again after having 2 years out of the game. I have average speed, but can read the game well and support the play. I don't think I'm quite big enough for back-row but I can be vulnerable on the high ball at times. Any other positions recommended would be appreciated as well. Thanks.Which position am I must suited to? In Rugby League ideally but Union responses are also fine. I'm 16, 5 foot 8, and weigh around 10.5 stone. I'm going to start playing in the summer again after having 2 years out of the game. I have average speed, but can read the game well and support the play. I don't think I'm quite big enough for back-row but I can be vulnerable on the high ball at times. Any other positions recommended would be appreciated as well. Thanks.

You play wherever the coach asks you.

In league fullbacks don't deal with too many high balls as kicks in your 20 mean other players will back you and other kicks will be for positional dominance

Talk to your coach. That's what he's there for.

Which do you like more? It's simple as that really...and work to improve your weaknesses.