> How do you tackle someone who is getting ready to run you over in rugby?

How do you tackle someone who is getting ready to run you over in rugby?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
Tackle them low and don't 'hold back'. Tackling someone, while being more afraid of getting hurt, is more likely to get you injured. Be smart and committed: use your shoulders and arms and wrap 'em up tight. Do not be afraid.

Go for the legs, people can't run without legs

when they run towards you, you NEED to run at them so they cant run as fast then you have to get low put your shoulder in and drive them back another 3 yards, make sure to pump your legs, then once they are down jump to your feet and drive over the rook to win back the ball.

Ok well depending on your size running straight into them if ur big but if ur small wrap and go to their side and fall back use their speed against them