> How to build mucle without lifting to many weights?

How to build mucle without lifting to many weights?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
i am 14 yr old lad who loves rugby i am planning to move to the back row but dont wish to lift to much weight i was wondering what other things can i do such as pull ups and push ups to build body strengh upi am 14 yr old lad who loves rugby i am planning to move to the back row but dont wish to lift to much weight i was wondering what other things can i do such as pull ups and push ups to build body strengh up

I dont really understand why you would not want to lift weights as a rugby player. However, being that this is your choice, running with any sort of resistance will build your legs while many pushups, pullups, core workouts, stairs, you get the idea.

well, u can do normal, good fitness activites like situps (make sure u put hands on head otherwise it doesn't work as well),burpies, pushups (when do pushups do them slowly to build up upper body strength, also on that do them slowly and hold for 8 secs if can), bridges try hold for at least 3-5 mins at ur age and finall general sports help like swimming and boxing.

Do excercises like sit ups and burpees as well and for your legs cycling and squats. Drink a protein shake or just milk and a raw egg or a banana after a hard sessions to help you build muscle

at 14 whom does not but love the sport as rugby it as a heavy sport that takes a toll as in musle and yet build up is needed try to go to a needy area such a farm work and this will go as to far to you as in helping them and you are getting all that is needed as in build up your bulk but do everything as if not do stay away from bodybuilding as in steroids and do as to the strength as you really have do keep going and make it real that is the real musle without