> May i have to be sad?

May i have to be sad?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
i play rugby and i am in national team u17 and i am not in the first 15....

Mabye others are doing more training than you. Use this experience for motivation to get stronger, faster, fitter and better at skills such as passing and kicking etc.I think everyone on a team should be an expert on passing the ball and should be able to hit any target from anywhere with 100% accuracy. I always practice my passing. If your a hooker your should be an expert on line-out throws. You should also be doing lots of fitness and strength training on your own. You should be building up amazing speed and stamina by running and cardio. Your diet should also be spot on. No junk food, sweets or fizzy drinks. 3l of water a day. I'm sure you are doing most of this already but keep it up. You don't want to start slaking off now your on a national team. Hope that helped!
