> My mother forces me into rugby how can i let her make me quite?

My mother forces me into rugby how can i let her make me quite?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
im desparate ?

Show her you need to spend the time learning how to spell and the rules of grammar.

man up

Portend to always become hurt, or if you really want to really become hurt (not advised) but in all honesty you just got to tell her mate

Just tell her you don't want to play, she will maybe refuse to buy you things for about a week or so but that will pass, no one can force you to do anything you don't want to. But why don't you want to play rugby, it keeps you fit and strong, also helps you to think what to do in tight situations. I love to play it and I also create my own music at home. Its not like rugby takes all of your time but if you don't want to play, no one can force you, including your mother... Good luck.

dont be a *****, you can play rugby and music

show her how it is from your point of view, being forced to do rugby etc.

It's time to let go of your mother's apron strings and stand on your own two feet!

Just wander around the pitch avoid as much as possible the ball and other players and give the ball to the opposition and stay away at all costs the ruck the other players will soon get fed up of you and want you out of their team and that's what they call a result

Suck at it!? Dont try to be good, walk around on the field.. Or just tell her you dont enjoy it and would rather do something else with the time.