> Need workouts just for rugby?

Need workouts just for rugby?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
i need workouts that get me stronger and faster for rugby i play flanker

try to do 5 × 5 ( five what evers in five sets) you can do three times a week the following the exercise( important to keep a days rest between each gym day for eg. you exercise monday and rest the next day and gym wednesday again then rest next day and exersice friday. you can do for monday sqauts, bench press, and bell rows. start of with five sqauts in one set. do five sets do the same with the bench press and bell rows. wednes day do dead lifts army press ups and sqauts. dobthe same amout of squats and army press ups as monday. the dead lifts you only do 5 of them because they are verry tuff on your body. friday you follow mondays program. next week monday you follow wednesday program eg. eg. now important after every week you put 2 kilogram on each side of the bar heavier. begin with just the bar if you start your training in the first week. you wil see you will get stronger. rest long after every set. sory for my english i am a german prsonal trainer. i hope you understand.

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