> Rugby or Bodybuilding?? Help?

Rugby or Bodybuilding?? Help?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I am planning on playing rugby next year, I want to know if with rugby I can still continue to build my body and hold/increase my muscle mass? Also whether I should choose rugby or bodybuilding I enjoy both, but which is better. Please helpI am planning on playing rugby next year, I want to know if with rugby I can still continue to build my body and hold/increase my muscle mass? Also whether I should choose rugby or bodybuilding I enjoy both, but which is better. Please help

It's going to be difficult to continue body-buildinig (seriously) during the rugby seasons. It's pretty hard to attend practises and play one game a week and still incorporate the muscle stress/recover periods that a dedicated bodybuilding program requires. It's fine for the off-season, but once you actually start playing -- no. As for which to choose -- do you prefer team-type activities or individual ones? Rugby is a team sport through and through, while bodybuilding is about as pure an "individual" activity as you can get.