> Training for Rugby?(Highschool)?

Training for Rugby?(Highschool)?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I want to tryout for Rugby next year but I am so unfit and I have not done any physical activity in years ! I am 5‘1 &90 pounds. How should I prepare myself?

Focus on speed, passing, tackling, and being able to take hits. Taking hits is especially important because there can be lots of injuries in High school rugby and being able to outlast other players is important.

Hi! I joined the rugby team in the fall and I love it! Trust me, when I started, I hadn't played a team sport in years and I wasn't in the best shape, but after a few months I improved so much. To prepare, you could start weight lifting(especially working on your core) and excercising.

If its highschool it dosent really matter just get in shape

You are one fcking small person. But Your Girl, Girls are a tough breed and won't suffer from Periods and crap half the time. Ohhh wait..... I hope you do well

Just get used to having showers naked with the team

Just do it man. I back you up.