> What are some other options to sit up's and press up's?

What are some other options to sit up's and press up's?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I am a 16 year old boy going into college looking to improve muscle and tone my stomach along side playing rugby

No apostrophe in a plural.

Rolling plank: ie going from plank to side plank back to plank then to the other side, don't just try and stay up a long time do each part of the it in 15 seconds ie 15s plank 15s side plank Inchworms: these involve going from a push up position and reaching out both hands as far in front of you as you can, you should be able to hold it for a max 6s, do 6 for 6s each if you can Leg lifts: Lay down on your back ad raise your legs about 2 or 3 inches off the ground, raise on leg as far vertical as you can while keeping the other just off the ground, hold for 2s then repeat with other leg Push up variations: try widening your arms or legs, placing one hand above the other, Spider-Man push ups etc Sit up variations: there's loads on the Internet

Do chin ups or pull ups. They help build abs, spine muscle and increase your biceps as well. The thing though is you need an overhead bar but you can purchase one online for as little as £5.00. If you need help choosing one then contact me by email.

Do crunches, not sit-ups. Sit-ups will just destroy your back.