> How to get really pumped for rugby?

How to get really pumped for rugby?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I got a huge game tommorrow and i wanna get really pissed off straight away any ideas?

Fast, heavy music. Works for me.

I captain U16's. Before every game I ask the U18's to make a tunnel for us to run out. As the team files through, I get them to slap our faces hard... Bye George it stings but the team gets furious and we give no mercy during the game. It works so well. Try stinging urself... or getting someone else to. It sounds dumb, but it won us last years cup :D

Keep a cool head, Tom. Your brain is the most effective tool for any sport...

Headphones with music.

well do what ever you do before every game to prepare your mind and that normally works

Angry mind is a Narrow mind, just eat a lot of energy before the game and you'll be flying..