> Ok well me and my buddy are debating who has bigger hits hockey or rugby?

Ok well me and my buddy are debating who has bigger hits hockey or rugby?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I say rugby he says hockey ....lame i have to choose a sub category idk if i should put it in sports>rugby or hockey haha

I have seen huge hits in both sports but rugby for sure has the biggest hits because you are allowed to tackle your opponents

Its not even a question, rugby does. The code of rugby allows forms of tackles that are bone crunchers. The laws in Hockey allow shoulder barges only, albeit with huge momentum on ice and a side wall to smash them into. But either way theres even padding in most hockey to reduce the impacts.

Rugby hits in rugby are weigh bigger then hits in hockey as if u look at the force of those hits concussions are weigh more common in rugby then in hockey in rugby u can get a concussion without even hitting your head I have had 2 both from me getting tackled one I hit my head the other I dident the second Simptoms lasted longer but the first had more Simptoms concussion to happen in hockey but are not as common in my fall season in rugby we had an average of 1 concussion for every 2 games and in the spring we had an average of 1-2 for every game this it at high school level there is not close to that many in hockey

Definitely hockey.