> What happens if a rugby player get an erection during a match?

What happens if a rugby player get an erection during a match?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
What happens if a rugby player get a ***** during a match, isn't this awkward due to the contact.

Some joke about a hooker and a ruck? I don't know Gemma, I assume you think you are being clever with your homophobic and, quite honestly, stupid questions. We are not a community of morons who will cheer on your immaturity, the rugby section is populated by a different class of poster. If you wish to discuss rugby, we are more than happy to contribute; if you wish to act like a 9 year old, the door is over there, don't let it hit you in the **** on the way out.

lol I've never seen anyone get 'excited' while playing rugby. I guess it's a bit hard to get turned on when you are getting thrown around like a rag doll and busy concentrating on the game

They change his position too "PROP" forward.

He is considered to be 'in touch', however there is the possibility for a conversion if he does not fumble

I believe its a handling error.

he would probably ask one of his team to relieve him at half time.

Never gotten an erection in a match in 5 years of playing... and if you do you're generally wearing skintight underarmour so it's probably gonna get squished against you.........

Why would anyone get an erection while playing rugby?

you really think you could get a hard on while guys are smacking you in the face and bollocks most of time go ahead and try

Well unless they're wearing protective cups they're gonna get a bollocking from their friends and the crowd about it

he probably gets a try for it lol seriously why would he get one while hes thinking of winning his game daft question really