> What is the name of the ball used in the game of Rugby?

What is the name of the ball used in the game of Rugby?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I own two of theise balls, but it never occoured to me what they were called. I know they are a cross between a soccor and football.

Well the name everyone generally uses is "rugby ball". The actual scientific name of the shape of a rugby ball (or American football for that matter) is a "elliptical spheroid". Similar to the length of an American football, but with a larger circumference (that is "fatter") and more rounded ends.

It's called a rugby ball

They're just called rugby balls. There's no special name. There are various different sizes that are produced for different age groups and different game styles (professionals play with size fives for instance) Bill has it wrong. Gilbert is only the name of one of the most popular companies that produce rugby balls. But any ball that isn't produced by Gilbert obvious isn't a Gilbert. Adidas also produce high quality balls used in top professional matches.

A rugby ball, or just a ball. no specific name like a puck or wicket. Some Australians call rugby balls footballs because they view any sport that has evolved from soccer as a family of sports called football.

Generally a Gilbert.