> What kind of muscles do I need to train for Rugby?

What kind of muscles do I need to train for Rugby?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I play Hooker, im 16 and I need to get big for my next season next year. What kind of muscles do I need to train the most?

You need to train lots of muscles. Your leg muscles (quads, glutes, calves). Your core (abs, oblique, back) Don't bother training your biceps because your not going to use them. Train your shoulder and chest too. There are these stability exercises that a lot of professional athletes do and I have noticed a great gain in strength from doing them. As a hooker you should also be an expert and line-out throws. Practice hitting a target on a pole or something, you should be able to hit any target on anything. you should also be doing lots of speed and endurance training. If you need more help or want me to send you the stability exercises then email me at conorjshenton@hotmail.com Hope that helped.