> What should i do so that i can run faster for when i play rugby?

What should i do so that i can run faster for when i play rugby?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
im 14 and im a boy

Practice makes Perfect, or at least that's what my mom always taught me. :-). As with everything we do were not all great at it right from he start, but by working hard you can get better at it. To run faster you need to build muscle strength. By working out and continuing to "practice" running it will help you to run faster. Also keep hydrated when your body burns off the much needed water your muscles quickly fatigue which in turn slows you down. Think of your body as an engine if you never use it the oil gets thick and heavy which makes it run slow but if you use it everyday it will continue to get you from point A to point B but it needs water to keep it from overheating. If you allow it to overheat you will be left broken down stranded on the side of the road. So in short keep running lifting and drinking that water, these will be your key to success. Ask your Rugby coach which specific areas to focus on with weight training he should be able to point you in the right direction.

lift your knees higher