> Why are Aironi leaving the RaboDirect PRO12?

Why are Aironi leaving the RaboDirect PRO12?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
Because the club had never been competitive in the Celtic League, and was bleeding money for the Italian Rugby Union. A bunch of high-priced but non-Italian signings who didn't perform didn't help. See The plan is for the Italian Union to organize another team, possibly based in Rome, for next year's competition. Whether or not that will actually happen is a different question. On the other hand the Scottish Union is doing well. Perhaps it's time to revive the Border Reivers. Edit: Canadian actually. But of Scot's descent, six or seven generations back. Not close enough to qualify for Scotland, unfortunately (lol).

Blm u just touched my heart with that answer thank you, ive never know anyperson outside of bonnie ald scotland who knew about the Border Reivers (dont know if your scottish or not). Aironi are struggling in the league because its actuautally devolpeing into a high standerd leage, (the irish clubs have always been amongst the best in the world, the welsh are also great, and even though scotland international rugby is horrible at the moment (getting better) Glasgow and Edinburgh are also turning into 2 extreamly good teams) Treviso is just managing to keep up with the improving clubs but aironi is on a diff level of rugby @Blm I think Border Reivers may start up again, or maybe a whole new team probably based in fife

quality of rugby and money