> Why doesnt bing show rugby league news?

Why doesnt bing show rugby league news?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
yes rugby league does have more spectators than rugby union and cricket . There are hundreds of rugby league clubs below the main 3 leagues which all get spectators. There are more than a dozen rugby league clubs in both wigan and St Helens alone. So why doesn't Bing give out news. Because of this lack of publicity some people actually think Rugby Union is a more popular game.yes rugby league does have more spectators than rugby union and cricket . There are hundreds of rugby league clubs below the main 3 leagues which all get spectators. There are more than a dozen rugby league clubs in both wigan and St Helens alone. So why doesn't Bing give out news. Because of this lack of publicity some people actually think Rugby Union is a more popular game.

League is only more "popular" in northern England and eastern Australia. Worldwide is is practically unknown. The fact of the matter is that League is a mind-knumbingly repetitive, dumbed-down version of real rugby, and the people who "think" that Union is the more popular (and better) sport are absolutely correct. If nothing else, check out the respective salary caps between the Premiership and SuperLeague. How else do you explain the fact that the average Union salary is more than double that of a League player.

North England and Eastern Australia versus the whole world of Union. Piss off ****

No, union have more spectators than league.

Here's a more basic question - who goes to Bing for their sports news? Ever hear of skysports.com or bbc.co.uk?

Does it matter? Can't you just go on Sky Sports to see te results for the craper version of rugby.