> Would it be a good idea to take a warm bath a day before a rugby match ?

Would it be a good idea to take a warm bath a day before a rugby match ?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
No the heat will relax your muscles and you wont be able to push them to the limit during the much just have a good nights rest and keep hydrated. A warm bath after the game will help by lossening alot of tension in the muscles


To be completely honest, its neither good or bad. It will not make a significant difference, if even any! The only concern i can think of is if you stay in the warm/hot bath for too long and become dehydrated, but other than that i can not think of any advantages or disadvantages. One thing i can recommend is after a match. Say you are playing a full day of rugby with a couple of match's, hitting an ice bath between games could help you! Hope this helps! Ant.

lots of rest and tons of water youll be in beast mode for the entire game. good luck amigo -cheers

no. you should take a cold bath after one or if you want a warm bath after the game
