> Broken ribs / clavicle, how long until I can feasibly play rugby again?

Broken ribs / clavicle, how long until I can feasibly play rugby again?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
So how long do you think or will be? Also can I jog an stuff in the meantime? How long will this take?

I broke my collar bone playing rugby too. I didn't break a rib though. DO NOT JOG OR RUN. When you run it, the your clavicles jar, meaning they kind of go up and down with the way your body moves and it hurts afterward and it's not good for the healing process. Their isn't much you can do to try to stay in shape. It's better just to take it easy and let it heal. Also I had to wait a whole season before i could play. You need a nice strong bone before you play. The last thing you want to do is wait six weeks and think its healed and get tackled and break it again. That can easily result in surgery and keep you put longer. It sucks but you gotta do it

minimum six weeks. as the other posted stated - only a doctor can really make that call.

There are so many things that need to be considered, such as the severity of the fractures, how many there are, etc. The only one who can make that call is a doctor.