> Good weight for a 16 year old flanker?

Good weight for a 16 year old flanker?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I'm light, if you have any suggestions on how I could gain a bit of weight besides lifting weights as I am currently am that would be nice :)

This is a much harder question than it seem sit should be, because of your age. The issue is that most adolescent males do not reach maturity of their endocrine system until their early 20s (though this is not always so - genetically a guy like Liam Messam is just going to develop as an adult faster than are some other people: genetics, there's nothing you can do about it)). Until the endocrine system is mature, there is not the same regulation of metabolism that is present in a mature person (this is largely associated with the development of the thyroid, probably the most important part of the endocrine system for your purposes now. We know ABSOLUTELY nothing about your physical development, much less the status of your endocrine development or other essential medical information. So beyond saying that strategies that may work well for you in your 20s in terms of managing weight (and muscle development) may not work the same way for you now. Really, all you can do is maintain a healthy diet and continue your exercise. No mysteries there. If you are really concerned, meet with your primary-care physician to discuss this. Second best: a professionally qualified dietitian. The meatballs hanging out around the gym will be pretty clueless for the most part - and do NOT get sucked into using over-the counter supplements. Good luck. Mark L.

I would say just put on as much muscle as u can but weight dosent matter that much im 15 almost 16 play flanker and am bearly 120 pounds most of that is muscle and I am good at my position so size and weight dosent matter that much

Eat foods high in protein get a good amount of sleep.