> In your opinion, should shoulder tackles be legalised?

In your opinion, should shoulder tackles be legalised?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
Terrible idea for rugby union, appealing primarily to adolescent Americans who want to be "tough." Mark L

No. There is a reason why they are illegal tackles anyway. If shoulder tackles were legal, you'd more likely go higher more often, which puts high tackles at risk &there'd be so many neck injuries &concussions. It's very dangerous &this isn't football where we have equipment on. Not only are you putting yourself at risk for injury, you're putting the player you're tackling at risk. Way too dangerous.

What would be achieved by loosening up the tackling law? There are enough problems with injuries and concussions through poor tackling technique as it is without making the situation worse. Something which the League game has finally realized.

no way. just play american football at that point.

No, because it has been like a plague to the rugby. It only cost more on the bad side than the good side. A normal legal tackle is already suffice (but then again, a big, rib-breaking tackle is no different than a shoulder charge :p)

No. They have never been a part of rugby so why should we start now? They have now been banned in league as well.

No, it's very dangerous for both parties of the hit. Promotes reckless play instead of proper form. I don't know where these people are getting the idea that they shoulder charge in (american) football. They take more measures to promote safe and fundamentally proper tackling than the IRB.

I think they should. They do it American Football. It would make the game more interesting and better to watch. Because everyone loves a big hit.