> Is it me or do rugby players generally tend to be quite loud mouthed and boastful?

Is it me or do rugby players generally tend to be quite loud mouthed and boastful?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
It's just you.

Yea it is just yoou

Its just you

You're generalising. Some rugby players are like that, but most are more intelligent than footballers and are more modest and reserved.

You have a point about being loud mouthed. You have to be when there are up to 29 other people trying to communicate plus the referee making his commands. Boastful? Depends on the person really.

They need to be loud mouthed for their team mates to hear them &i'd be boastful if I had the courage to play such a dangerous sport &made millions people from your nation proud :)

You have to be loud you have to yell what your doing on the field

no, it's you

They have to be if they're playing rugby, would you really have a soft rugby player?