> Is rugby the right sport for me?

Is rugby the right sport for me?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I've been playing rugby for 2 years now and I'm not good at it. I don't think I should play anymore. What do I do?

The real question is are you enjoying it? Don't be discouraged if you aren't comfortable after only two years of playing -- it takes a minimum of four to five years of experience to become instinctively comfortable with the game. If it's still fun, why would you quit?

Rugby is a late maturation sport so 2 years isn't a long time with playing some pros dont nail the game in two years! I've been playing both codes for nearly 6 years now and I'm always learning new things and skills which have helped take me forward as a player. Just work on the core skills and make gradual improvements every time you work on something e.g if u can pass well get a mate who'll let u pass to them from various distances. just keep at it rugby is a fantastic sport league or union and you will meet fantastic people. good luck in the future

if you enjoy it...who gives a ****? not every player who loves a sport has to turn pro! Just fantasise like 99% of the country and play your little heart out! ;)

Like the others have said it takes time I've played since I was 5 contact since 8 and I'll admit I was utter crap till about 15 try new positions as long as you enjoy it keep at it wish I could still play but have a busted shoulder now