> My mum won't let me play rugby?

My mum won't let me play rugby?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
My big bro plays and it looks fun! I am a 13 year old girl. 5'6 and 115lbs. I really want to play but my mum won't let me because she said it was a guys sport!!! Isn't this sexist!My big bro plays and it looks fun! I am a 13 year old girl. 5'6 and 115lbs. I really want to play but my mum won't let me because she said it was a guys sport!!! Isn't this sexist!

rugby is not just a guys sport. i have only been playing year now but i love it. and the best part is girls play with the same rules as guys. dont listen to people who tell you no just because your a girl. do what you want. if your brother can play so can you oh and i have never seen a girl made fun of for it, and there arent many girls sports watched at the international level not that it should make a difference in deciding to play or not

Go on play rugby and "feel a man"

you should play its really fun sexist bunch

yes my wife used to play rugby and my brothers wife still does , they both love it , she should let you

to be honest it's not a girls sport and any girls that do play it get made fun of a lot, as well as if your are good at it no one watches it really at international level