> Professional rugby in the USA?

Professional rugby in the USA?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I am an American rugby player and if I wanted to make a career of the sport I love I want to know if I don't have to go overseas to do this. And if i do have to go across the Atlantic what country would I have the best chance of making it?I am an American rugby player and if I wanted to make a career of the sport I love I want to know if I don't have to go overseas to do this. And if i do have to go across the Atlantic what country would I have the best chance of making it?

The highest level of rugby in North America is called SuperLeague (although the code is Union). However it is only organized on a semi-professional basis. Nobody in the United States or Canada makes their living playing rugby at home. If you are still curious you can see the SuperLeague site at Hopefully the situation will improve with time, but it isn't going to happen quickly, at least with the 15s version of the game. There is a lot of interest (and money) going into 7s rugby, now that it is an Olympic sport. Even at the level of the national squad Eagles, only a small core of players earn their living playing the game, mostly with European squads and mostly in the French Top-14. There is also a smattering in the English system -- mostly with second level (RFU Championship) clubs. If you take a look at the Wikipedia site for the Eagles at you can see the clubs the players are currently associated with. The best known is probably Takudzwa Ngwenya (born in Zimbabwe by raised in Texas) who currently starts at wing for one of the strongest European clubs, Biarritz Olympique, located in southern France.