> Too much protein or is it okay?

Too much protein or is it okay?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I've started working out and want to bulk up, I am 6'3, 140lbs and will be working out 5 times a week! I've made a workout plan and a diet plan! My diet plan mean I will be taking in just over 2500 calories a day is this enough to bulk and my protein intake will be 186g or 246g(with shakes) is this too much or do I need it all to get big? Thanks a lot in advance!I've started working out and want to bulk up, I am 6'3, 140lbs and will be working out 5 times a week! I've made a workout plan and a diet plan! My diet plan mean I will be taking in just over 2500 calories a day is this enough to bulk and my protein intake will be 186g or 246g(with shakes) is this too much or do I need it all to get big? Thanks a lot in advance!

In order to bulk you need 1g/1lb of body weight. So stay between 145-170g per day. Look into mass gainers like QuickMass Loaded or ON Pro Complex.


You can check on maximuscle or optimum nutritions website, you fill in some information about your height weight etc and it will work it out for you