> Ways to increase stamina and speed?

Ways to increase stamina and speed?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I play sevens rugby and I have a big tournament coming soon this summer and whenever I'm in basic exercise I always seem to be dead. Any way to fix that? I need to sprint longer and faster so I can score tries. Thanks guys/girls.I play sevens rugby and I have a big tournament coming soon this summer and whenever I'm in basic exercise I always seem to be dead. Any way to fix that? I need to sprint longer and faster so I can score tries. Thanks guys/girls.

For sprinting you should go to a nearby field and go for a warmup lap and stretch. You should sprint the length of the pitch, then walk/jog the width of it. Repeat this 3 times then take a 5 min break and rest then do this 2 more times. This will not only teach your body to be able to sprint longer, but also recover faster which is very important in sevens. Make sure you also go jogs for about 45 min on different days. To actually become faster, the most effective way I know of it resistance training. Either buy some resistance chute or use a resistance band to run against. The fastest way to increase your sprint is by fixing technique. Run with your elbows bent at 90 degrees and pump them as far back as you can as fast as you can. This will make your sprinting not only more effective but also faster by forcing your legs to pump as fast as your arms. G'luck and remember to hydrate

I think that you should do interval training this is where you run a short distance at full speed and then walk back this will improve your sprint speed as for stamina you should do continuous training where you run for a long distance without stopping. this can be done anywhere with space, i would suggest the rugby pitch you play on as then you will be used to the terrain

i would suggest the rugby pitch you play on as then you will be used to the terrain