> What and how should I strap my fingers together for rugby?

What and how should I strap my fingers together for rugby?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
Recently I fractured my centre finger on my right hand and have been strapping it to my 4th finger with Elastoplast. However I have a rugby match coming up and was wondering if there is any special way to strap it up for the game and whether I should use something diffrent to strap it, or whether the Elastoplast would be still be suitableRecently I fractured my centre finger on my right hand and have been strapping it to my 4th finger with Elastoplast. However I have a rugby match coming up and was wondering if there is any special way to strap it up for the game and whether I should use something diffrent to strap it, or whether the Elastoplast would be still be suitable

its not the most glamourous thing in the world. but wrap a bit of cotton between the fingers and masking tape it up!!, will just hold it firm and not rip anything off when you take it off. im a coach.