> What rules do rugby have?

What rules do rugby have?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
why are they more complicated

There are two fundamental rules which dictate the flow of the game. Offensive players cannot be in front of the ball carrier, and players who are not on their feet are not allowed to handle the ball. Beyond that it gets complicated. There is a pretty good wikipedia article call "Rugby Union Gameplay" at . It's about as good a concise explanation as you are going to get.


The book is as thick as a reasonably long paperback. Not going into it here

no high tackles (around the neck) don't go off side (infront of a ruck or maul etc) no fighting no swearing (a recommended one) don't talk back to the ref don't run off the pitch don't collapse the scrum and if held in a maul,ruck, tackle penalty to the other team

It depends on which codeof rugby you are querying, Rugby union is very broad and has a different set of rule to Union bar a few. try and read these for a more detaileed explanation of the rules. Union: League: I hope that this is of some help.

I agree. The rules need to be simplified cuz the refs don't even know them