> Who would be most difficult to tackle in rugby?

Who would be most difficult to tackle in rugby?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
Imagine you had a 5ft 9 , 235 lbs guy runnning straight at you or a 6ft 3 one slightly heavier, which one would be the most difficult to take on? Similarly you had two individuals of the same sizes coming to tackle you, which one would make the biggest hit?Imagine you had a 5ft 9 , 235 lbs guy runnning straight at you or a 6ft 3 one slightly heavier, which one would be the most difficult to take on? Similarly you had two individuals of the same sizes coming to tackle you, which one would make the biggest hit?

In the tackle, almost surely the shorter man at 235 lbs, because with his center of gravity lower to the ground, you will have less leg to shoot for and his balance will be better. Which man makes the harder hit tackling you will depend on their technique. Assuming both have superb technique, and that they are moving at the same velocity and acceleration, then the larger-mass man will transfer the most momentum (and apply greater force). [Just for the record, treating acceleration with "g" implies that the two men are falling on you from a constant height. But it its the right idea.]

f = mg the bigger the mass the more force but if you hit them low they will both go down