> Why do NSW keep getting the beat every origin?

Why do NSW keep getting the beat every origin?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
NSW havn't won for a long time now :\

Basically its because Qld have a very, very good team with a core of players (1, 6, 7, 9) that play together at club level or have played together alot. On top of this they have freaks like Inglis. Don't listen to the propaganda about heart and passion, its well and truly there in the blues players. The Blues just lack the class in the backs that Qld are fortunate to have. Don't worry our victory will come eventually and it will be sweet.

support NSW but i will admit, QLD have a better squad. They are basicly all from Melbourne Storm and they are the best team in competition. Also they have many NZ players and they also have some players from NSW. Such as Inglis, he is from NSW and was born in NSW and grew up in NSW. He played his clubs in NSW but he plays for QLD and this is what i wonder why.