> Rugby or football lads?

Rugby or football lads?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
board rugby or football i say rugby but i play it wondering what other people think

Given that this forum is specifically intended for rugby fans, what would you expect the answer to be?

im not a sissy - so rugby. i got iq higher than 70 - union.

I say rugby but if you asked all the kids in my high school it would be split cuz were I live guys play football and girls play rugby that's what the teams are that's how it goes

Rugby League. Grew up with the game, and have played it since I was five, so thirteen years. The toughness of the game at the top level is incredible. We are talking about 6 foot 5, 19 stone men expected to run at pace, coliding. It was once said that if your average person tried to make a tackle on a professional, then they would die. It is basically war without death, and is the ultimate sport. Says more than enough for me.

This is a rugby forum. What answers do you expect.


I like rugby.. It's butch men and they arent wimps.. They get paid less than footballers and when a footballers fall over, they cry and have to go off.. All they do is kick a bag of air around a field and they get paid so much for no effort.. It's pointless..
