> Should I try for my school rugby team?

Should I try for my school rugby team?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
I am 13 and want to join my school rugby team. I am really strong and can out pace most the boys in my class. I also know how to tackle and pass properly and know most the rules. So bascically should I bother signing up or leave itI am 13 and want to join my school rugby team. I am really strong and can out pace most the boys in my class. I also know how to tackle and pass properly and know most the rules. So bascically should I bother signing up or leave it

rugby is awesome, go for it

Rugby requires 3 things; physical presence, mental fortitude and toughness. You sound like you have the first but do you have second two? the best rugby players are not the strongest nor the fastest. The best players have all three attributes, so if you are big and can run and are reasonably smart and you can play through pain then trial for this team. Still not sure? Let your mates who play rugby be a guide. They know you well and they should know if you have what it takes... Good luck.

I want to play rugby for my schools varcity girls rugby team

Yes, you should. Rugby is a great sport.

Yea man go for it

Yea totally well basically think about what opportunities it can bring to you when you are older or more skills you can learn go for it!!