> I do netball rugby and hockey out of the 3 types which shoe is the best to get overall and why?

I do netball rugby and hockey out of the 3 types which shoe is the best to get overall and why?

Posted at: 2014-07-08 
If you're a forward in Rugby, then get long studs. If you're a back, then football boots is fine.

Adidas I have a pair of Adidas soccer cleats I use them for soccer and rugby I'm 15 and play high school aaa/aaaa sinior girls rugby I'm a jr and they work fine on the wet and muddy days I slip a bit but over all they are good and I play flanker most of the time

Anything adidas but if you do rugby, then wont you need sprigs as well, so you probably have to get two different shoes unless you want to loose grip and slip a lot playing rugby